On this page you will find an archive of all the PAST events and activities from our community led year of celebration
past: What about Development? A community conversation at Morley college: 21st June
Join the conversation 6.30-9pm.
Refreshments will be provided.
Development is a constant feature of modern London life. Development brings much needed new housing and exciting new civic and commercial spaces. And with that often comes destruction, anxiety, trauma and distrust.
So what does development mean for a cultural and spatial icon like Trellick Tower and the Edenham Estate?
Can there ever be development?
How do people feel about development?
If there is to be development, what are the red lines of the community who will have to live with it?
Join the residents and community of Trellick Tower, Edenham Estate, and the Trellick Triangle, to start getting into it....

past : tRELLICK eXHIBITION at Morley College: 28TH aPRIL - 30TH mAY
***extended to july***
A free to enter exhibition of Trellick-inspired artworks from over 30 artists.
Featuring work from the Portobello Group of artists; Blackbook sketches from the Saatchi graffiti exhibition; full colour and black and white artworks by Toby Laurent Belson and Andy Aderinto; the Lego Trellick; The Portobello Film Festival Golden Trellick.
The exhibition will be up for the official opening of the refurbished and expanded Wornington Road College, within sight of Trellick Tower.
The exhibit makes full use of a new publicly accessible cafe and lobby space at the front of the college.
Wornington Road College was saved and expanded thanks to a community campaign that successfully lobbied central government following the Grenfell Tower fire of 2017. The college faced demolition or a high-risk merger that could have meant the end of education on a site that has been supporting the community for well over 100 years.
Celebrate and support the future of two icons of community together.
Morley College North Kensington Centre, Wornington Road, London W10 5QQ

Exhibition Catalogue
An exhibition of inspirational graffiti artworks produced on paper.
The Blackbook is the sketchbook of the graffiti artist, containing ideas and developments for what will (maybe) become their work in the street.
All of the artworks in this exhibition have been inspired by the 50th anniversary of Trellick Tower, showing just how stylistically varied, impactful and complex today's artists can be.
A Private Viewing event was held on Friday 20th January with limited numbers, including some of the incredible artists.
The second of our Trellick 50 events to take Trellick out of North Kensington!
Thank You to all who contributed and visited!

PAST : Urban Living - Trellick Tower at the Design Museum : 22nd November, 6.30-8.30pm
A conversation with an amazing panel of architects and local social campaigners took place at the Design Museum, exploring the design and place of Trellick Tower in our urban landscape.
More info here: https://designmuseum.org/whats-on/talks-courses-and-workshops/urban-living-trellick-tower

PAST: trellick film week : outdoor cinema at the base of trellick tower : 25th september - 2nd october 2022
For one week at the end of September, Trellick Tower was the location for a full size outdoor cinema screen.
TT50 were joined by our partners the Portobello Film Festival, Portobello Radio and Pavilion Hive for live radio, community films and discussion and a feature film every evening (full programme below).
All in great quality sound and near silence to the outside world via high quality headsets!
The programme ran daily from 1pm til around 9pm
The programme WAs free FOR ALL to enjoy UNLESS STATED
The basic programme featured:
- live music and radio every day with Portobello Radio
- a selection of community films curated by the Portbello Film Festival
- arts activities with Pavilion Hive
- children's programming after school on weekdays
- A feature film and discussion time every evening
- A relaxation session every evening to close

Full film week Programme
Every night : relaxation session
Every evening at the Trellick Film Week closes with a unique relaxation film on the big screen and headphones. It is designed to wind you down ready for a good night's rest (and ready for the next day at Trellick Film Week ;0)

S u n d a y 25th
Ilaria and Isis from Pavilion Hive lead a creative session for young women and girls to customise and upcycle clothing.
All materials provided.
You can choose from the accessories and pieces provided and/or bring your own accessories and clothing to work with.
FREE for all

2-4pm : Surprise Feature
A feature film chosen by the Trellick community
4-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
My North Kensington parts 1 and 2 (Loftus Burton) 2 ½ hrs
Reflections & recollections through interviews with 70 local people, covering the history of North Kensington from 1939 to the present day.
6-9pm : Surprise Feature
A feature film chosen by the Trellick community
m o n d a y 26th
1-3pm : portobello radio live
A live broadcast featuring local schoolchildren
3-5pm : childrens films
A film for young people on the big screen
5-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
The Society For The Protection of Unwanted Objects (Roland Denning) 29 mins
Story of a “junk socialist” dedicated to recycling everything.
More Hot For Number Five (Digital Works) 40 mins
Stories from North West Kensington made with young people from Barlby Primary School
Kelso Cochrane Earthday Celebration
4-6pm : Kelso Cochrane archive (kensal library)
6-9pm : Feature - pressure
Join us to celebrate the Earthday of Kelso Cochrane Monday 26th September.
As part of the Trellick Film week, we celebrate the birthday of another icon of North Kensington.
An introduction event will take place across the road at Kensal Library from 4pm, introducing the Kelso Cochrane Archive, housed at the library.
From 6pm we present the evening's feature film, Horace Ove's 'Pressure', on the Trellick outdoor cinema screen.
Preceded by a screening of short film 'Gun In A Trainer Box', by Wayne Louis.
There will be discussion before and after the feature film.

Made 40 years apart, each film depicts a slice of urban reality. 'Gun In a Trainer Box' perhaps being the unfortunate modern day outcome of the 'Pressure' faced by the young protagonists of Horace Ove's celebrated classic. Both serve as a reminder that in our incredible local arts and cultures exist the sparks of celebration and transformation we all need to build a positive legacy for the future.
'A People's Art is the Genesis of their Freedom' - Claudia Jones.
There will be discussion following the films, with words from Kelso's family, members of the Kelso Legacy Steering Group and local film maker Wayne Louis.
Live musical performance by Alexander D Great.
63 Years On - The Impact of Kelso Cochrane’s Murder on North Kensington
This event celebrates the life and legacy of Kelso Cochrane, an Antiguan migrant who at the age of 32 was murdered on 17 May 1959 on Southam Street in a racist attack that bore many similarities to the racist murder 34 years later of Stephen Lawrence. Kelso's tragic story remains one of the most notable events to impact North Kensington in the last 60 years - Rather than further dividing the community it brought many in North Kensington together and in so doing laid the foundations for the uniquely diverse cultural mix that has put the area on the map ever since.
t u e s d a y 27th
1-3pm : portobello radio live
A live broadcast featuring local schoolchildren
3-5pm : childrens films
A film for young people on the big screen
5-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
The True Story Of The Electric Cinema (Rob Small) 45 mins
History of the days when the Electric was on the frontline of UK and World Cinema. Fondly remembered as ‘The Fleapit’.

6-9pm : feature - book of eli
In a violent post-apocalyptic society, a drifter, Eli (Denzel Washington), has been wandering westward across North America for the last thirty years. He finds solace in a unique book which he carries on his person and guards closely, while surviving by hunting small animals and seeking goods in destroyed houses and vehicles to trade in villages for water and supplies.
Pavilion HIVE present the Dystopian Film Season as part of their 'Engaging our Spaces' 2022 theme.
Four outdoor cinema screenings and discussion presented by Junior Tomlin, JC Kamau, I Sis and Toby Laurent Belson in partnership with Trellick 50 and Portobello Film Festival.
We are living through an unprecedented time in our modern era.
As ordinary people struggle in the face of corporate control and environmental and financial catastrophe, we ask, is our present a Dystopian nightmare and what about our future?
How do we resist in a time when resistance can often seem futile?
What part does creativity play in finding relief and solutions?
There will be discussion before and after the feature film.
W E D N E S D A Y 28th
1-3pm : portobello radio live
A live broadcast featuring local schoolchildren
3-5pm : childrens films
A film for young people on the big screen
5-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
Venture Vibes (Natasha Langridge) 17 mins
History of the oldest adventure playground in UK, told by the children who play there.
All The Same (Akash Prasad) 9 mins
Two males must overcome the stigma and misconceptions of their race..
Bound Unbound Boundless (Mental Fight Club) 13 mins
Explores personal and shared experiences of mental health.

6-9pm : feature - HIGH-RISE
Class struggle becomes all too real as a young doctor moves into a modern apartment block in suburban 1975 London. Drugs, drink, and debauchery dissolve into murder, mayhem, and misogyny in this pseudo-post-apocalyptic breakdown of societal norms.
INCLUDES SHORT FILM 'Walking Against the Line'
A film directed by Thomas Aquilina
13 minutes 53 seconds
Following a route that begins at the Design Museum and progresses towards North Kensington, this film explores how injustice can be observed in urban spaces. Carefully framed shots of key sites in the north of Kensington and Chelsea borough are accompanied by fragments of walking conversations between Thomas Aquilina and his invited companions: writer Ekow Eshun, politician Emma Dent Coad, architect Adrian Lahoud and gardener Tayshan Hayden-Smith.
There will be discussion before and after the feature film.

‘Walking Against the Line’ 2022 © Thomas Aquilina
T H U R S d a y 29th
1-3pm : portobello radio live
A live broadcast featuring local schoolchildren
3-5pm : childrens films
A film for young people on the big screen
5-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
Rootical (Nike Hazimidou) 25 mins
A portrait of local photographer and MBE Charlie Phillips and his views on North Kensington and the Arts Council.
Duke Vin (Beats Working) 49 mins
The birth of Ska.

6-9pm : feature - LA HAINE
The film follows three young men and their time spent in the French suburban "ghetto," over a span of twenty-four hours. Vinz, a Jew, Saïd, an Arab, and Hubert, a black boxer, have grown up in these French suburbs where high levels of diversity coupled with the racist and oppressive police force have raised tensions to a critical breaking point.
There will be discussion before and after the feature film.
F R I d a y 30th
1-3pm : portobello radio live
A live broadcast
3-5pm : childrens films
A film for young people on the big screen
5-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
Portobello Road Black History Walk (Alex Diaz) 7 mins
A walk in Portobello with Manny.
Golborne Variations (JC Carroll) 25 mins
Prog rock opera about Golborne and Trellick by ex Members man JC Carroll.
Flying Saucer Rock and Roll (Hughes Brothers) 12 mins
Of Moths and Men (Molly Brown) 10 mins
Animated paranormal investigation TV show.

6-9pm : feature - DEMOLITION MAN
Frozen in 1996, Simon Phoenix, a convicted crime lord, is revived for a parole hearing well into the 21st century. Revived into a society free from crime, Phoenix resumes his murderous rampage, and no one can stop him. John Spartan, the police officer who captured Phoenix in 1996, has also been cryogenically frozen, this time for a crime he did not commit.
Pavilion HIVE present the Dystopian Film Season as part of their 'Engaging our Spaces' 2022 theme.
Four outdoor cinema screenings and discussion presented by Junior Tomlin, JC Kamau, I Sis and Toby Laurent Belson in partnership with Trellick 50 and Portobello Film Festival.
There will be discussion before and after the feature film.
S A T U R d a y 1ST
2-4pm : Surprise Feature
A feature film chosen by the Trellick community
4-5pm : Open mic poetry
JC Kamau presents a poetry and spoken word session with local wordsmiths welcomed onto the mic.
5-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
Ebony Rockers (Richard David) 14 mins
Chronicling the career of Southampton reggae band Ebony Rockers.
Love and Trust (JB) 5 mins
Local rocker and Joe Strummer cohort Tymon Dogg in Trellick Tower.
Asbestos Lead Asbestos (JB)
Local band World Domination Enterprises play their anthem on the Eat The Rich tour.
Spirit Of Portobello (Joet Skye) 26 mins
Local faces and views from 10 years ago.

6-9pm : feature - V FOR VENDETTA
In the distant future, Evey Hammond is an average citizen of the United Kingdom, which is under the rule of the fascist and tyrannical Norsefire Party. She is an employee of the state-run British Television Network, but soon, she becomes the number one enemy of the state together with an enigmatic and larger-than-life freedom fighter known only by the letter "V"
Pavilion HIVE present the Dystopian Film Season as part of their 'Engaging our Spaces' 2022 theme.
Four outdoor cinema screenings and discussion presented by Junior Tomlin, JC Kamau, I Sis and Toby Laurent Belson in partnership with Trellick 50 and Portobello Film Festival.
There will be discussion before and after the feature film.
S U N d a y 2ND
2-4pm : Surprise Feature
A feature film chosen by the Trellick community
4-6pm : community films
A selection of Community films curated by Portobello Film Festival. Local film makers, local subjects.
Roots Time (Mystika Films) 1hr 10 mins
Legendary Reggae documentary
Countryman PT2 (1hr 2 mins)
The Jamaican superstar and magus in his retirement.

6-9pm : feature - Children of Men
In the dystopian world of 2027 London, humans have been incapable of reproducing for 18 year for an unknown reason, meaning the imminent extinction of the species. Britain is the one remaining civilized society on the planet, which has resulted in people wanting to migrate there, so it has become a police state to handle the immigrants, who are placed into refugee camps.
Pavilion HIVE present the Dystopian Film Season as part of their 'Engaging our Spaces' 2022 theme.
Four outdoor cinema screenings and discussion presented by Junior Tomlin, JC Kamau, I Sis and Toby Laurent Belson in partnership with Trellick 50 and Portobello Film Festival.
There will be discussion before and after the feature film.

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of this icon of Brutalist Architecture through painting, sketching or multi-media guided by renowned local artist Ron Best, and see your work shown in a public exhibition at the site!
* You will be taught how to paint arresting urban landscape
* Practical activities, using materials, paints, drawing
* Developing observational skills and thinking about shape/colour/tone in the landscape
* Understanding perspective inc composition / layout
* Referencing other artists work through books or internet.
* All materials provided.
* Fee applies - limited spaces available.
past: Portobello Film Festival is celebrating 50 years of Trellick Tower : 1st -18th September
The Portobello Film Festival ran between 1st-18th September 2022, with its cover reflecting our community celebration of Trellick Tower's 50th year
Download the full programme here:

PAST: Trellick 50 birthday party : 12-8pm July 9th 2022

The Trellick Tower Resident Association collaborating with the W10 community to bring a day of celebration.
Open House organised tours of buildings and flats.
James Dunnett who worked with Goldfinger in his offices in Trellick gave a packed-out talk, ‘Goldfinger and the Green City’.
SPID theatre group showed their documentary on Social Housing to another full club room and put on some street theatre.
Our graffiti sketchbook competition, photo competition and film competition were all launched.
We had a lively graffiti workshop with some incredible artworks created.
We presented an art exhibition from two of our local artists.
We had a limited run of Tshirts with revellers bringing their own life and love to our icon.
We had nutritious, vibrant and freshly prepared food and drinks from two of our local providers
We had a stunning snake helping people to get up close and personal and get over their fears and prejudices - and we know all about that at Trellick Tower!
THANK YOU to all who contributed their time and energy and presence for what was a wonderful day of sunshine, good vibes, love and celebration for our local icon.
And THANK YOU to all our supporters and sponsors and logistical helpers in providing the funds, equipment and people-power to make it happen.
Photo credits: Jason Garcia and TLB

Our day was filled with the sounds of a fantastic local lineup of live bands. And a live talkshow from Portobello Radio.
The day featured
The Rotten Hill Gang
MWS (The Goldborns)
Kids on the Green
The Metronomes Steel Pan Orchestra
MC'd by Piers Thompson and Portobello Radio

NEAREST TUBE: Westbourne Park on Hammersmith & City/Circle Line
Buses: 18, 23, 31, 28, 228, 328